We were not tricked. We knew that our REAL self is totally indestructible. We knew this is Maya and that even though our egoistic selves would be befuddled we have every thing every person and every lesson we need in order to do what we came here to do.
We always have and we always will.
But what we came here to do is not "be comfortable" and "have fun all the time."
We came here to have experiences and to grow.
We would never grow if it we were comfortable where and how we are, so we experience a lot of discomfort for a lot of transformation.
But, again, we are indestructible. Nothing that happens to us here can diminish us in any way. It can only make us stronger, and it can only help us perform the miracle we perform by loving through pain.
When we love through pain we strenghthen love. That transforms untested "puppy" love into tested love. Stronger love.
If God is love and if you have strengthened love then you have performed the miracle of improving God.
That is well written. Still you have this claim that our self is indestructible. What does it really mean. I mean does it really matter if your soul is indestructible, if you are just suffering lets say endlessly. Do you see any endpoint in this suffering? I mean the worst thing would be that you would exist eternally and suffer eternally. Then it would be better not to exist eternally, obviously. The indestructibility of our soul does not matter in that scenario. While we are on earth, we suffer amnesia. We dont have any actual evidence that it does get better than this. Also if you are traumatized for instance, that will inhibit your capabilities to grow and learn. So not all suffering is good for the soul nescessarily.
Humanity must ascend.
Each individual Human across time and space is like a Cell to the Being that is Humanity. When we have learned to value each individual as we value our "selves" we will elevate to the next chapter.
Humanity is in its Teenage years. Teen years are always flummoxing, awkward, intense.
We must abandon the use of money altogether to get out of our Teens.
We can't continue to make decisions from a "Profit motive." We absolutely must begin to make decisions collaboratively, creatively, collectively.
Then we will move past these Teenage years, into our Twenties.
Our Twenties will be harder, but in different ways. Climate catastrophe ways.
The way it is in small contexts it also is in large contexts.
The Universe works in fractals, echoes, repeating patterns.
What does it all "matter"? Everything and nothing.
Friend Many good ideas.
God will never abandon one single subatomic particle. No matter our judgement systems here on Earth, everything is made of God. Everything. And God doesn't leave loose ends.
We have Free Will. There are no mistakes. There is only learning.