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Excerpt from Text Messages Saturday Morning with Conversation Partner (lightly redacted for courtesy)

Writer's picture: MurphyMurphy

Conversation Partner:

                So unfortunate that we have so many money hungry people in our society that would devastate the lives of others for their own personal financial gains.



Jennifer Murphy:

                I have some weird spiritual beliefs (as you know, and about which I wouldn’t mind further sharing) but I genuinely believe the adage: If a thing happens TO you it happens FOR you.  We are fine with that when the thing that happens feels good and is pleasant or reassuring. 


However, we positively despise that one when it’s something overwhelmingly, utterly excruciating because it implies that the worst events into which we find ourselves stumbling:


The most traumatizing and violating and most despicable things that happen in our lives actually happen to our benefit, as they offer us the opportunity to grow, and growing is (it’s lookin’ like) what we came here to do. 


         So, yeah.  Maybe it’s like you have to advance a certain amount, developmentally, in order to fulfill your soul contract. 

What if some Souls volunteer for the phenomenally challenging lives?  Obviously they don’t remember volunteering so it seems insulting that I’m even suggesting it.  But once I say it, doesn’t it feel more like something you’re remembering than something you’re being introduced to?  (Or maybe I flatter myself and all that has already occurred to you and everyone around me and I am foolishly running around thinking I’ve been privileged to know one of my life missions! ha ha) 


                If so, maybe the incentive for volunteering for a particularly excruciating life might be to advance rapidly closer to our full reunion with all dimensions of Creation. 


                I do believe we have served, joyfully and bravely volunteering to return time and time again, over the millennia (inasmuch as time exists-but-doesn’t-exist on the other side) the way we as humans become giddy to attend a horror movie at which we may become scared out of our wits (I have deliberately never seen The Ring for this very reason).  


I am a jump-scare fool.  I have been known to leap out of my seat, screaming in a panicky and frankly wordless tsunami of and entreaty for my loving Jesus to save me.


Conversation Partner:

                Thought provoking. It is hard to grasp the concept of volunteering since most people do not see being born as volunteering but instead being forced to exist and for some that is an existence of pain and suffering. For others an existence of comfort and wellbeing. For most it is somewhere in between. How does volunteering align with free will?


I have to hop in the shower so I may not respond right away.



Jennifer Murphy:

                You know what, we gotta publish this conversation.  Except the part about your family's challenges that are none of anyone’s particular interest at this point.  I’ll edit that stuff out.

                Here’s how I believe free will works:


                We have certain goals.  Perhaps thousands of goals every day. 


Probably some of them represent bigger, more celebrated achievements than others, but each victorious goal reached -and remember- we frustratingly (perhaps devilishly, no?) never explicitly know what our goals are.  But they’re there, like mileposts along our journey. 


It doesn’t matter HOW our Souls achieve the full BINGO card of tasks our Neo-Souls pledged ourselves to deliver.  It just matters that you get there.

                So, yes: you have free will. You are allowed to take as LONG as you want, as many lifetimes as it takes, and any path you choose. Eventually when YOU'RE ready you'll get there, having reported in at every. single. goal post you committed to. 


                Your Soul cannot be damaged.  It can’t be diminished in any way whatsoever.  Even people who go to “Hell” can’t possibly be stuck there for eternity.  First of all: Jesus already DID THE THING he needed to do to Save us all.  It’s done!  Hallelujah!

 (And by the way, have I got the scoop on Jesus!  But I’ll save that one for another day.)


So, we still have work to do! Living and Loving type work. As soon as we have the courage to take the plunge (in other words, as soon as we let go and forgive ourselves for our own failings) then we are free to exit Hell at any time and rejoin the hustle and bustle of advancing toward God’s Sweet Embrace. 


I’d consider wagering my whole stack of chips that anyone -given a choice- would give anything for the chance to rejoice in that hug of all hugs. A conscious reunion with our Source.

Juuuuuust as soon as we free ourselves from the traps we set for ourselves to navigate along the way.


You might think we are enslaved by Karma, but I prefer to think of our relationship as an artfully intricate and colorful Soul tapestry we all contribute to.  If that makes sense. I never know.

                I find these ideas really resonate for me. 

                I wish I knew how to easily compile this conversation for my blog.  Would I have your permission to reproduce your half of it?

                I understand that would be a big ask.

                Without any identifying information?  Or if no then I’m absolutely, entirely satisfied with simply blocking out all the text on your side.


Conversation Partner:

                Does the exercise of free will give one the right to negatively impact another while in search of accomplishing a goal? And if so, does that negative impact strengthen or weaken the other soul and does it change that persons desire to accomplish their own goals and if so then can it alter the volunteered purpose of that persons being?


Jennifer Murphy:

                Anything that happens TO you, happens FOR you.  So, yes it does give them the right because EVERY interaction you have with another person is with a soulmate of yours.  Every influence you have on every other person your life touches shows you that that that is one of your soulmates. 

                Another neat concept is that at the end of every Earth life we encounter a life review in which we experience the totality of our life and its influences on everyone else, from every perspective and every angle. 

Which means… the universe actually has a delayed action mechanism in place but "what goes around DOES come around, only far more literally than we expected.)

                And since we’re on this topic, why not address what was so special about Jesus?


                When you think about the scale of human suffering, it's not like Jesus probably suffered PHYSICALLY in a way that was objectively more heinous than everyone else on Earth who has physically suffered.  I mean it was brutal, don’t get me wrong.  But in the context of some of the war crimes that I've read about, the extremities of the suffering experienced by humans must at some points in our history surely have exceeded and been borne, whatever “suffering metric” we might invent. Don't you think?


                So what was so special about Jesus suffering for us? 

And how the heck does it benefit us at all for him to suffer, at all? 

Why can’t God just erase the profound need for anyone to pay the a cosmic tax we call "Atonement?" 

Surely GOD, AKA: Creation, AKA: All That Is And All That ever was and all that will ever be in every iteration of  every dimension of every Universe. 

Because Creation has all the time in the Universe because it IS all the time in the Universe.

                What was so special about Jesus  is that Jesus volunteered to live ALL of our lives alongside us. That whole thing about Jesus walking on the sand with you and the footprints dwindle from two pairs side by side and the Dreamer Poet cries out to Jesus “Why did you abandon me in the darkest times of my life?” And then the answer, of course, is that Jesus was actually the one carrying us at those times. 

In other words, Jesus didn’t ask any of us to experience anything that he wasn’t willing to endure himself. 

                When he said "Whatever you do unto the least of my people I tell you VERILY: YOU DO UNTO ME!!!

                There is no way around it.  There are no exceptions.  You can’t hate anyone and still love Jesus.  You can’t hate anyone and still love yourself.  No matter how heinous their crimes against you.

                Because if someone’s life touches or crosses your life in any way whatsoever, then you are soulmates, my friend.

                Our Souls made an unbreakable Pact to assist each other.  Think of them as team mates.  Everyone is someone’s bad guy.  That’s a Sacred Service we have long ago and for all time agreed that you would provide for each other during your Soujurn with us. 

                So Jesus’s big, amazing sacrifice is that he was willing to suffer all of our hurts, broken hearts, horrors, and losses.  HIS life review was EVERYONE’s life review of all time. That's why it took three days, even at super accellerated "all of time happening all at one" types of speeds!

Jesus is the safety relief valve of this whole, seemingly cruel experience.  He is our pact with Creation that we will never be asked to suffer any insult that God, Godself was unwilling to suffer. Literally. The Universe wails in pain with us when we wail in pain because the Universe IS us. 


Conversation Partner:

                Don’t you think some people are inherently evil? Albeit very few. I believe most people are good but there is no explanation for some of the evil cast upon others by “bad seeds” Were they bad before birth or did life lessons teach them to do harm to others?

                Hitler, Manson, Jones, etc.


Jennifer Murphy:

                I think some people take on the role of the devil because it is necessary in order for others to step up as the heroes.  We hate that, but we know it’s true.

                If something happens TO us it happens FOR us.


Conversation Partner:

                🤔 thought provoking again.


Jennifer Murphy:

                Nothing in life is a punishment.  All of the inescapable suffering and all the inescapable strife gives us SOMEthing we needed.   And we just have to accept that our minds simply can’t fathom the richness and density of purpose and interconnectedness we have with each others' lives.

                Hard times are just practice levels before we encounter the boss further toward the end of the dark hallway.

                OR they’re just life lessons, that we maybe we chose to put off learning uncomfortably long.   We DO have free will as far as HOW to plow through our lessons, but WE put that lesson into our own path in the first place. Your own higher self, the part of you that remains aware and involved from the Other Side.  (What, you didn’t know you had that?  Of course you knew.  You just forgot! )

                This is why you have to love and indulge your inner child.  Your inner child is the confused and battered version of your Soul that hasn’t learned how to navigate the world with confidence, yet.  We have to hug our inner selves and love on ourselves and forgive ourselves for all the torturing we’ve perpetrated UPON ourselves.

                And we ultimately have to give ourselves trust again.  THAT’s what faith is.

                How silly would it be to have unquestioning faith in "someone” you can PLAINLY SEE allows cruelty and suffering to flourish! 

Here's a truth that most of us try to find ANY loophole out of: It's that even attaining some kind of unachievably perfect faith or practice still would never earn you any kind of intervention from Creation. Because what would we be asking for intervention from? Our own path that we entrusted ourselves to?

If people only knew VISCERALLY that they were in the presence of Divinity during every moment of their incarnation then how could they ever try to cheat another person?  Once we understand how could we ever deliberately hurt or deprive another? Worse than hurting or depriving ourselves in some Karmic way, we are most grievously hurting or depriving Jesus.

                So, that’s what we’ve committed to keep trying to do for the duration of our time on Earth: Love each other unconditionally. 

Jesus didn’t make a secret of that instruction.  He was quite upfront about it. It’s only our laughably fragile egos that try to sort human beings out as ever even POTENTIALLY somehow being “better” or “worse” than another Soul, or in any way forfeit of Universal Love?

How could any of us possibly be better or worse than ourSELVES?

                Okie dokie artichokie.  You have my explicit permission to share any portion of this conversation.


Conversation Partner:


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