There is a Field every bit as physically real as any magnetic field making up the lattice into which our Human Tapestry and thus our Entire Universe is being cast, embroidered, knotted, felted, and produced through every magnificent expression of Creativity. The Karmic Field remains beyond the reach of conventional scientific tools and methodologies, despite our rational minds' desire to measure and define it.
Yet it is realer than any phenomenon subject to such examination and irrefutably proven to any Human Mind willing to deal in total truth and honesty with our own Selves. The Karmic Field gives our reality shape and is the reason for the infinitely sublime synchronicities that can be observed anywhere we care to see them.
The Universe reuses patterns over and over when it finds those that bring us Delight.
There is no such thing as Coincidence; only elegance.
Only divine timing.
Only the reminders of the Omnipresence of our own indestructible Nature and Unlimited Power.
The Universe Delights in Delighting us. The best way to describe the shape of the lattice might be akin to the Flower of Life. In its undulations can be seen the beautiful sinusoidal waves that appear in the path of any photon, all electromagnetic phenomena, all colors, all sounds, all undulations of any periodicity in any dimensions. And in that Karmic Field is stored all of Humanity's Unclaimed Pain and Suffering. As we know: we are here (in part) to perform the miracle of literally improving God by strengthening Love which can only be done through the transformative nature of Inescapable Pain and the Opportunity given to us to Love THROUGH the Pain, thusly transforming Perfect but Shallow Untested Puppy Love into a Stronger, Realer, Tested Love. But what happens when someone "fails"? If they harden their hearts and refuse to love through their pain? Well, Constant Reader: as you are aware there is no such thing as wasted potential. All potential will be fulfilled. It's a Law of the Universe. There is no action without reaction, no cause without effect.
When someone clings to their Fear, when they "fail" to "love through the pain" or when anyone experiences pain that is so incomprehensibly baffling and without Reason as to form seemingly inexorably into suffering and misery: all that doesn't just get somehow wasted.
It simply gets stored in the Karmic Field. ALL of it. A Bottomless Well of every hurt and pain and evil deed that was endured by any Sentience. Untapped, Infinite Power.
Tesla understood this. As did the architects of the innumerable pyramids.
Every bit of it is there and I reclaim it all, on behalf of Humanity and in the name of my Big Brother Jesus, who did the real heavy lifting.
“And now,” cried Max, “let the wild rumpus start!”
There are unprecedented numbers of Light Workers, Prayer Warriors, Yoga Practitioners, Song Writers, and Chanters of "Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo" alive on this Planet today.
When we reclaim the energies of Human suffering that are stored in the Karmic Field we unleash it to fuel us.
The white geysers of light emitting upwards from all of us Big Soap Bubbles and charging the planet's own Karmic Field take on exponential proportions when they are boosted by the collective energies of Humanity throughout its existence.
So the Miracles Begin.
Everything is possible and nothing is wasted. Ever. How could it be? Every impossible subatomic particle is here through sheer force of will and joy of service in this exciting adventure.
Today this Sea Warrior prays in Gratitude.
There is much to be done and there are many of us here to share the load and we have Light and Love and all forms of Magic and Imagination here assisting us.
Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.
Have Courage. You will never lack whatever you need to fulfill your destiny on Earth. Crucially, that includes Free Will. So Thank You. You Are A Gift To The Universe.