I just did a fun prank at my job that I'm not at becase I'm taking a mental health break! I snuck into work (actually I put on a cosume of "normal person with good reason to be there" ha ha ha) with a bag of pinking shears! I took every pair of normal scissors I could find from the desks and offices of my workmates and tossed them aside and replaced them with PINKING SHEARS!
Turns out they are superior to normal scissors in almost every way!
When others Zig: ZAG!
The edges are where all the fun is! Ask Mandlebrot!
Pinking shears create more edges than straight scissors can and are cool and you can get different little shapies!!!
Why cut straight? (Straight edge? Looooooooool mebbe.)
It's not like any of us are good at cutting straight with straight scissors anyway (unless you work at it, and some do, god bless you, but I suck at cutting straight with scissors) so instead just cut PRETTY!
Pinking shears are FUNCTIONAL in that they help prevent fabric from fraying. Keeping it from all coming apart. That's why they make 'em, I guess.
Stemma had a whole carousel of different shapes of pinking shears. Blew my mind when I saw it! So many different designs possible.
They are made better and feel better in your hand. Let's switch the way we think!
I wonder if they will know it was me who did it!
Such fun!
But there was a terrible car accident on the freeway on my way home from this prank.
I don't know the significance of who was in the accident or anything but that accident was pivotal and I would have been in it if I hadn't prayed hard and stayed at the speed limit very deliberately because when you are manic it is so easy to drive like a demon.
I don't know if I will ever find out what the significance of that accident was, but please pray for those people!
I even texted my therapist, which is NOT ALLOWED because I'm working on my impulse control, but asking her to pray for the people in this accident was MORE IMPORTANT.
Priorities matter.
Don't follow all the rules all the time when there is a priority that overrules.
We have to be judicious.
I love you all.
Time for mimis!