It's why I pace when I'm on the phone.
It's why people shake when they're afraid.
There's a wonked out body movement module fired up and doing its best to get some motion, some thinking, something, anything that might help.
It's why meth heads (God bless them) move so jerkity-yzzizzy
They got a lot going on in their head, whether you recognize that or not. They are doing heavy duty thinking, but it doesn't do any good because it's too hot, the house is on fire! It's burning down! All the ideas, all the everything! BURNING in chaos and growing distrust and disconnection from humanity.... But that's an aside... ha ha ha.
Hey why do you think laughs like to be in threes? Angel numbers. God loves laughter.
There's a reason for the fact that moving our bodies helps us think, by the way.
It's got to do with the physical layout of the brain, the architecture, the mapping, the brain's diorama re-creation of the physical body and its geographical proximity to the thinkin' parts of the brain meat.
So many parantheticals.
Coils within coils.
It's why I fidget.
It's why we dance.
It's why "math is so hard" for so many people.
How are you supposed to sit still while someone is speaking abstract concepts at you?
It's not that you don't want to know the mathy stuff.
It's that it's a juggling act to master your mind enough to engage in the transfer of the abstract ideas of the math while freaking sitting still!
The ability to do that is a gift.
And even the gifted often develop weird little physical manifestations of their thinkin'.
I think we might benefit from approaching education from a more "get out of the classroom and into the world" approach for most subjects. That's a challenge because it requires the participation of a much larger segment of the adult population.
It's what the children need. Give them attention. Give them LOVING attention.
That's what they want, really.
They're just like us, secretly desperate for our Source's love, attention, and approval.
Give it to your children.
Don't spend your day doing anything you know is a detriment to society. Let's get past money.
Pace, stretch, bounce, skip, spin, do whatever your body tells you (within reason, you little pedants) while you engage in productive thought. But that's THINKIN' I'm talking about here. Don't mistake that for "REFLECTION" which is best done in a calm and relaxed manner. Generally.
Story listening is more of a mixed bag. Sometimes you need to be moving around while you're soaking in the story. But sometimes you get totally entranced and you become still and relax into it. Isn't that nice?
Keep moving.
Think well.